After more than 30 years of having abandoned it, I finally got another chance to play the clarinet thanks to a much welcome recent birthday gift. But of course, it has been so long, I have to remember how to play the instrument, so I'm back to my beginner's days and dusting off those old clarinet courses, charts and tutorials. I'm back to square one with embouchure, fingering, tone and reed control.
Will I ever attain professional status? Of course not! Will I become the next Benny Goodman? Never!
But the point here is to just have fun and play to myself trying not to squeak much and flub as less as possible. Music, maestro, please!
My first year trying to get some decent sound out of the instrument!
After much practice, I was proficient enough to get a gig on stage at a small dinner theater, playing
"As Time Goes By" and "St. Louis Blues" in a musical show!

The day I got my new clarinet, 30 plus years after I had abandoned the instrument.
Back to the Clarinet Player Starter Kit!
Hopefully, this won't ever happen...but you never can tell!