Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Angelina, Angelina!

                                                                       THE TOURIST (2010)

It is not that good a movie and yet, I have seen it many, many times since its 2010 release, albeit only because Angelina Jolie looks so ravishingly beautiful in every single frame, I'm totally mesmerized by her.  Okay.  I confess.  I'm in love with Angelina Jolie.  So there!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Covid-19 Beard Gallery

I've noticed almost everybody's started growing a beard during this pandemic...except me!  Maybe I should follow the trend.

           However, there's the definite possibility I may end up looking like Popeye's Poopdeck Pappy!

          Anyway, I'm doing some research to find which type of beard might be suitable to my face.
                                          So, without further ado, I give you, my Beard Gallery:

                                         I guess the verdict is definitely...no beard for me!

Monday, April 27, 2020


To all my friends and relatives who sent nice comments, congratulations, compliments and good wishes on my 50th Anniversary as a Cartoonist, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart! I tried to answer each and every one of you personally but if I missed someone, here's a big THANK YOU to cover you all! And I'm hoping to hear from you again on my next 50th!

Saturday, April 25, 2020


It was 50 years ago, on April, 1970, that I began my career as a professional cartoonist. My first printed comic strips appeared on the April issue of  LA GARRAPATA, a well-known political satire magazine at that time and thus began my meteoric rise from absolute obscurity to complete mediocrity!

Okay, so those first strips were not very good, but I didn't give up in spite of popular demand to the contrary and here I am, fifty years later, still trying to do as best as I can.
In those early days, I was lucky enough to find some charitable editors who saw some possibilities in my work and hired me to continue my journey as a cartoonist.

These are some samples of those first years when I tackled whatever came my way: